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7 Interactive Study Apps: Improve Your Performance!

Achieving good results in the Enem requires dedication and effective study methods. Fortunately, in the digital age, technology is a powerful ally in this process.

With a wide range of applications available, it is possible to make learning more interactive, personalized and efficient.

In this article, we'll introduce you to 7 free apps that can help you prepare for Enem.

Read also | 7 Personal and Professional Organization Apps!

The Importance of Study Planning

In addition to relying on technological tools, it is essential to establish a solid study plan.

Set realistic goals, distribute time evenly between subjects and set aside times for revision.

Image: Blog | UNIFACS - UNIFACS Online

Planning helps to organize learning, avoiding the feeling of overload and promoting a more strategic approach towards academic goals.

7 Best Apps for Efficient Studying

1. TV Escola:

The app, TV Escola is a government initiative that offers a platform of educational videos covering various high school subjects.

As well as being useful for those preparing for the Enem, it also serves as a distance learning tool for those looking for an affordable alternative to traditional courses.

Download now and have daily video lessons covering all the subjects you need for the entrance exam.

2. Duolingo:

If your goal is to study other languages, Duolingo is an excellent option. With simple and engaging activities, this app provides a light and fun learning experience.

Dedicate just 10 minutes a day to practicing specific vocabulary and verbs, based on the principle of translation for sentence comprehension.

Download it to your Android or iOS device and start learning a new language in a relaxed way.

  • Download: Android | iOS

3. AppProva:

AppProva is a valuable tool for those who want to familiarize themselves with past entrance exam questions.

With a comprehensive database, the application allows the user to answer questions, recording the time spent on each answer and automatically quantifying the points accumulated.

If you get an answer wrong, the app suggests that you devote more time to topics related to the syllabus.

4. PhotoMath:

Aimed at students looking to improve their math skills, PhotoMath is an app that solves math problems and provides step-by-step instructions.

Use the keyboard or camera on your cell phone to describe the calculation to be solved.

Image: News Contests

From basic operations to more complex equations, PhotoMath is a useful tool for clearing up mathematical doubts.

Download: Android | iOS

5. Google Lens:

While PhotoMath focuses on mathematical questions, Google Lens offers a broader approach.

As well as helping with mathematical operations, the app allows you to search for plants using photos and translate texts, extending its functionality beyond the educational environment.

Download: Android

6. 12 min:

The 12 min is ideal for students who face a hectic routine.

Offering book summaries in around 12 minutes, the app allows you to quickly absorb information on a variety of topics.

This efficient approach is perfect for a student's busy life, providing a quick way to understand different subjects.

Download: Android | iOS

7. Flipboard:

To keep up to date with global events, Flipboard works like a personalized magazine.

Capture the day's top stories from various news sources, selecting the topics that interest you to create a personalized feed.

This tool is invaluable for those who want to do well in the Enem, as the exam often deals with recent events.

Download: Android | iOS

The Power of Interdisciplinarity in the Learning Process:

Seeking connections between subjects, even when using different applications, can significantly enrich learning.

By understanding how the contents interrelate, you develop a deeper and more integrated understanding, strengthening your analytical skills.


Interdisciplinarity not only broadens our view of the subjects, but also provides a more solid basis for meeting the challenges set by Enem.

Conclusion: Technology as an Ally on the Road to Enem!

These apps offer a range of resources to make your study process more dynamic and effective.

By using tools that align with your needs, you can maximize your preparation for Enem in an interactive and engaging way.

When used strategically, technology can be a fundamental ally in the quest for academic success.

Try these apps and turn your learning into a more efficient and personalized experience.

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